Blaq Pages

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Natural Hair, Viola Davis & The Oscars

My heart is crying tears of pride.   Strong, Viola!   Your thoughts, sisters?


  1. I'm happy to see so many of us are coming out, and showing off our beauty inside and out!

  2. Viola look wonderful and younger without that wig. Hope she has the courage to sport her natural everyday. Be blessed.

  3. I agree, Viola looks great and years younger! I love her au natural look.

  4. blaqbutterfly2/27/12, 9:36 PM

    All I can say is BEAUTIFUL! GORGEOUS! I hope that she will continue to allow her natural soul to glow! She looks younger and so very refreshed. Her hair color is a perfect highlight to her mocha skin......and the dress just sets everything off! BRAVO!!!

  5. She looks beautiful! Cudos Viola!! Now waiting for Loretta Devine to start sporting her sisterlocks

  6. I was so happy to see Viola with her natural hair. Maybe hollywood will be accepting now. We are finally reclaiming our hair!
