Texas had torrential rans and flooding. The DFW Metroplex area is really large and the gathering was an hours drive in good weather. I didn't even get half way there, when it became dangerous and scary. As much as I hated to, I called Karen and explained.
Several of the ladies did manage to get together and I am thankful for their safety and ability to unite. Check out picks on Karen's site.
Karen, thanks for hosting and all of your efforts. We'll get together soon.
Much love to the DFW Sisterlockers and our honorary diva members, Brunsli and the ever-funny Leighann.
What to do wid all dez greens and dis cornbread....hhhhhmmm??????
I am honored to be an honorary member!
Sorry, you ladies were unable to have the event. ROFL @ "creamy crack lords".
We totally missed you!!!
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