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Now that I'm getting some length I'm trying new things. I was getting ready to go out to a new dinner club downtown so I tried an updo. I'm still not that good at styling yet, plus I need some more length.
My hairline gray hairs are becoming more conspicuous. I don't have a problem with them. But I so love my color. We shall see.
I interviewed for a new job two weeks ago and I never once thought about my Sisterlocks, my hair, appropriateness or any of those things. I curled it and wore it in my usual style. Through two interviews and a job offer, it was never an issue. I am so confident in communicating my skills and abilities that my hair becomes just a natural extension of me. It's a total package of BlaqKofi, Sisterlocks and all. Take it or leave it.
I get so many compliments on my hair. I am grateful for the knowledge that directed my steps down this natural path of self awareness and acceptance. I can in turn share this knowedge through my blog and with those who inquire - "are those dreads?" Perhaps not all inquiring minds race off to schedule a consultation, but I am living breathing proof of natural options even more beautiful and carefree than anything the creamy crack can produce. Dr. Cornwell - thank you once again as my journey continues...
how beautiful and radiant you look Keep your head up sista!
Well you just keep trying those new things Blaq. You look so darn good. Congrats on your new successes! I agree with Lashaune, you are radiating some serious positive energy.
Always love reading your blog. I'm so happy for the many blessings that you have received. I also agree with Tanya and Lashaune - you are definitely RADIATING!
Always love reading your blog. I'm so happy for the many blessings that you have received. I also agree with Tanya and Lashaune - you are definitely RADIATING!
With all of the negatively publicized exposure individuals who have locks have been getting, it is definitely encouraging to read some good news about personal experiences with locks and natural hair. Between the ban against students at Hampton U. and the ban against employees at Six Flags America in Maryland, the future can understandably look bleek for those interested in getting locks.
Thank you so very much for your posting. I too am very blessed and I think it's important for us to share our blessings with the world. We need to remind others that through trial comes joy and true appreciation for what God gives us. I just started my 5th year with my Sisterlocks and I can testify that life KEEPS getting better.
Keep living, keep sharing, and most of all keep loving.
SL'd 4 years, 2 weeks
Thanks for the insightful blog! Your hair is fabulous!
Blaq Kofi -
Congrats, Congrats, Congrats on your recent & future blessings!
Love the look, diva!
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