Wednesday, December 13, 2006

18M Retightening & Tipping

I had my 18 month retightening this past Saturday. It's such a wonderful feeling to have my whole head of locks retightened at one sitting rather than doing them myself over a several day period. I envy those who enjoy retightening their own locks. But having my consultant, GiGi Johnson, retighten my hair is a luxury I afford myself. My head feels so "good" for days afterwards and I walk around with a kind of "bounce" feelin' so free and good about my naturalness especially now that I'm gaining some length and have wonderful body. I can't explain it, but you lockheads know what I mean. (The pic to the right is at Gigi's shop immediately following my retightening. I sometimes curl my hair before my appointment. That way when she's done...I can just strut my stuff! Plus I was going to a concert later that evening.)
My locks grew quite a bit in the 6 weeks since my last retightening and there is definitely a marked difference in my length. At each retightening I experience a new found love of my locks and this journey.
Gigi presented me with this beautiful basket yesterday as a Christmas and client appreciation gift for all of the referrals I've sent her way via my blog and people who inquire "who did your hair?" How thoughtful - but that's just an example of her kind spirit. I am her biggest fan and count it a blessing to have her as a consultant and a friend.

Someone on LockItUp questioned whether they should tip a consultant after the initial locking session. There were a variety of answers from "yes, she has committed 2 days of meticulous work" to "no, you've paid so much already for the installation" Here's my response:

I did not tip after my initial locking session although I was extremely satisfied with my locks and my consultant, but I was also extremely broke afterwards...LOL and really didn't know that I could have/or should have tipped. I had not discovered LockItUp at that time (a wonderful resource for asking just this type of question and a million others.)

But I tip generously at every retightening which has more than made up for my not tipping during installation. I tip at each retightening because I appreciate my consultant's professionalism and speed. When I arrive the chair and my consultant are waiting for me. She retightens me in 2 hours flat, doesn't stop for breaks or to chat on the phone or eat or any of the other things that used to drive me crazy when I would go to a regular beauty shop. My time is precious and for this I'm more than willing to show my appreciation.

I never forget the days of being held captive by a beautician for 4-6 hours - just waiting - because she double or triple booked simply to make the dollars. Or my neck aching from being left in the wash bowl while she squeezed someone else for all of these reasons and more I tip generously at each retightening.

It's really your personal preference and what you can afford...sorry that I went off on a tangent there....I have horrible memories of beauty shops.

More reasons why I just love my Sisterlocks and my natural freedom and will never again be enslaved to the creamy crack or money hungry beauticians.


V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Your locks just look gorgeous! I love viewing your blog. Happy 18 months and thanks for sharing the info!

BlaqKofi said...

Thanks much Sista!

C & C said...

The day my locs rock like yours...yall are gonna hate me because I'll be updating every second :-). I agree with you about tipping expecially if you are getting great service as you are from GiGi.Peace

Abena Abena said...

Your hair looks so healthy and full. Also, I need to know what your work-out and nutrition plan is because you really look good. Can you do a post on it?

*Reminder, my new blog address is:


BlaqKofi said...

Thanks Locizm!

CV-I appreciate the kind words. I'll post my work-out and nutrition plan, but it's sporadic depending on what's going on in my life. Basically, I've been blessed with high metabolism. But I'll blog about it.

Thanks for visiting and continued blessings!

CloudNine said...

Your locks look great!

Gigi, is too sweet. My consultant also gave me christmas gift. (which is a first from any beautician) And I am very grateful to get in and out...

Speaking of horrors, I used to go to a shop in Philly were the clients would start lining up out side of the shop at 7:00am for a 8:30am hair "appointment". It was a first come first served establishment. Women would rush in to sign up as close to first as possible. (the hairdresser would arrive at 10:00am) The clients would be washed and permed waiting for her to arrive. Even with this type of "schedule" you may leave the salon at 3:30 or 4:00pm. My hair was beautiful everytime...but my entire day was gone. The hair dresser was GOOD but, obviously this unbalanced relationship had to end.

I am so glad that I found sisterlocks!

Anonymous said...

Getting great service from a hair salon was always a rare thing for me. That is why I started doing my own braiding. Then I discovered SL and needed to rely on someone else for the installation. My SL consultant took three days to install my locks. I arrived early, but she was always late. After the instllation and $675, I decided to do my own retightening and I don't regret my decision. It's been 17 months and I'm loving my hair.

Anonymous said...

You are lucky with your experiences my consultant is in White Plains she breaks to eat, does other peoples hair in between is always late for the appointment, she does a good job but the salon atmosphere is just not so desirable. Don't get me wrong a sister must eat but have your lunch put into the equation as you book your clients. There are always personal calls.....I envy you and cherish her........

Unknown said...

I have just began my install today! 160 beautiful sister locs installed and many more to go. Loving the journey! Thank you for sharing your story. 11/4/20

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