Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same(1)
Or as Mary J says - Work What You Got!
Hairstyles Top - Braid out. Dampen locks w/water or Lottabody, place n 10-12 braids. Tuck or roll ends. Leave in overnight. Take down, finger style and go. Last 2 weeks.
Other pics/video - freestyle pony using, B-Tie to secure.
You Jammin' :)
Take Care~
Girlfriend, Girlfriend, LOL.... I just simply adore you. I have been following you for a about six months now. You are truly my mentor. Our lives and lifestyles are so simular. Please go to my blog so that I can introduce myself to you. Go to http://redrose13.zaadz.com/ I plan to create my own sisterlock journey soon. I am 5months locked and I have learned so much from you. Congrats on the Marriage and taking the stand to live your authentic self in every aspect of your life. You are Beautiful and inspiring.
I Love You my Friend
PS I am also a newly wed to the man of my dreams.
Much Love, Peace and Blessings My Friend,
Tawanda (Redrose)
You never cease to amaze me! For someone who has been blogging for almost three years, your blog continues to be informative, enlightening and entertaining!
You are truly creative!
Work it Blaq! Your beauty defitnitely shows inside and out! So does your happiness! Love the braid out! Keep working it too!
Girl, you are too much. That is one of my favorite songs and to see you performing it was wonderful. We should all take a lesson from you and Mary and work what we got.
Hi Blaq,
Love the the look of your latest Braidout do, tell me how much Lotabody lotion do you use? please as my braidouts dont last a day never mind 2 weeks!
Love and Peace from Dee
48 years old!!! I can't tell, your energy is very captivating... There is no law that requires any of us to get old, if there is you're goin' to jail.LOL
Being powerful beyond measure is very intimidating because when expectations are high and opportunities are scarce people tend to settle for inadequate standards, that is why there is no fear of inadequacy. That is why we must: ~Live as children of light for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
"Wake up, O sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you."
~Ephesians 5: 9-14~
You seem to be a living testament of that!!!
I have finally begun recording my journey @ http://redrose13tc.blogspot.com/
Peace and Blessings,
now, that's JOY.
It makes me smile to see you are happy! Thanks for sharing your energy with us....you are an inspiration!
You go girl! Work what ya got!
OMG!! I love it, love it, love it!! You work it girl! This post made me smile and grin and giggle. God bless your beautiful and positive spirit. :-)
Beautiful as always... You are my inspiration!!!
GO HEAD THEN BLAQ! This made me smile! Gotta get you on the skate floor with me...
Thank you for the constant inspiration... Sauda (Florida)
I have been locked for only one month and your page motivates me to stay patient and gives me something to look forward to...
You are the constant inspiration! AND that's my SONG!!!!!
Stay Blessed,
Hannah Ranay
Girl that was fantastic. I am always on your page and as the other ladies have said you are truly inspiring. I have been thru on my loc journey and haven't even been able to really post lately but after seeing your "Work That" (my favorite song/ MJB is my girl) I just got motivated all over again. I am going on 47 next month and have made quite a few changes in my life and have really enjoyed reading your page. You just don't know how many you have touched and reached. Your wedding pics were simply gorgeous and looking at your installation till now gives me hope! I am also drinking the wheatgrass smoothies each and every morning thanx to you. When you get a moment, visit me at http://journey250.blogspot.com.
Peace and keep doing what your doing and thank you for allowing us to share your journey in so many ways.
go 'head ma...imma figure out how do video myself one day when i grow up like you.
I really need to stay off my own blog and get out more often. I'm super late on everything. Congratulations on your marriage and your new job. Look at those arms. I'm cheesy with coming up with songs for everything. But I'm thinking of Patty LaBelle's New Attitude. I'd like to see her in SLs. I eeded a little pick me up and now I'm recharged. Thank you.
You are amazing!!!!
You got some moves, Blaq!
Thank you so much for posting that beautiful performance. I love love love that song. Putting it on your page was so inspirational. It brought tears to my eyes to see you loving you and using the song to encourage others to love themselves. You are a precious gem!
Hi Blaqkofi,
You are so inspirational! Congratulations on your wedding! Your joy is apparent in the beautiful wedding photos.
I will be sisterloc'd soon! (Waiting for my consultant to schedule the locking sessions.)
Do you have any suggestions for a Sisterlock survival kit? Other than the official Sisterlock starter kit/products, what products do you wish you had on hand when you were first loc'd (e.g., SoftSpikes, microfiber towel, rods, styling products)? Please let me know.
I want to be prepared for proper styling and maintenance immediately after my locking sessions.
Your locks look great.
I'm tagging you! See my blog for rules.
I like this style and thank you for posting the directions. I'm a fan of candid shots by the way. :-)
Hi Blaq,
I have been following your blog for a while, you are one of the locers I admire most
I have been considering sisterlocks for a while. I cannot do the bc are extensions and sisterlocks a possibility?
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