Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sisterlocks - A Journey, Not a Destination

Locking ~ Locking takes patience. Give your Sisterlocks time to mature - actually you have no choice in the matter.  So why not embrace the journey and become engaged in the process. 

Length ~Your Sisterlocks will "drop" and you'll have your length sooner than you realize.  Love them where they are and nurture them.  You'll have plenty of time to reminisce about how cute and funky your short locks were. They will grow and eventually become all that you want them to be while becoming distinctly you. 

2 Days

2 Years

3 Years

5 Years

Educate ~ It doesn't happen over night. Locking is a process, made more beautiful when you are educated about the process.  No excuses.  There's a multitude of information available, not to mention Natural Awakenings.  Knowing what to expect relieves the anxiety of wondering "Why my hair isn't like so and so's?  Each head, each sister, each journey is uniquely different. Experiment and find styles that work for you at each stage.  For it will soon pass and you'll be on to the next - just like life - a journey, not a destination.

Sisterlocks offers options and possibilities.  Options and possibilities give us choices and choices give us freedom - Sisterlocks!
(Click photos for greater detail.)

Certified Sisterlocks Consultant
Professional & Personal Life Coach
Motivational Speaker

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Beauty of Sisterlocks

Back soon with something for the mind and the meantime....the beauty of Sisterlocks...5 years, 3 months and growing.
(Click collage for greater detail.)

Peace & light,

Certified Sisterlocks Consultant
Motivational Speaker
Professional & Personal Life Coach

Photo Copyrights

Please do not copy or print photos from this blog without my express permission.
