Friday, February 04, 2011


Mom was getting some tires put on her car recently when she was recognized by a Natural Awakenings reader.  Being very shy and introverted, she relayed feeling uncomfortable with the covert stares this sister kept giving her.  Finally the lady walked over and said, "do you know BlaqKofi?"

I can imagine the big smile that came across mom's face as she said, "Yes, that's my daughter."  The sister went on to share that she recognized mom from my blog and how much she admired our locks.  Mom couldn't wait to get home to call me and share "the most wonderful thing that happened today."  It was so cool hearing her refer to me as BlaqKofi for the first time.

Last week while trekking through DFW Airport to catch a connecting flight I noticed a young lady's stare.  As I approached she said,  excuse me what's your name.  Before I could answer she said, you're "BlaqKofi with the locks from online!"  Ironically, she wasn't natural, but said she had been researching Sisterlocks and was a frequent visitor to Natural Awakenings.   Our sisterhood continues to expand and mom continues to enjoy the freedom and beauty of Sisterlocks and her newfound celebrity.

Mom's Style:
Washed and conditioned locks with Avalon Lemon Clarifying Shampoo and Conditioner.  Deep conditioned with Sisterlocks Moisture Treatment for 30 minutes.  Rinsed and towel dried hair.  Set while damp on small Soft Spike Curlers, rolling hair at an angle for spiral curls.  Curlers remained in over night.  Remove when completely dry, do not finger comb.

Style last 2-3 weeks.  As curls relax, gently loosen with fingers for a full soft look.


LotusDoll said...

Your Mom is adorable and precious. You're blessed.

Kay exquisite said...

Hey Blaq I absolutely love your blog! I was wondering if you could offer some advice:

I've been locked for almost two years. I colored my hair about 9 months ago and now I'm experiencing some breakage and I remember back when you had issues with your hair breaking after bleaching, what did you do to combat the breakage?

Also I have always had issues with build up in my locks regardless of if I use the SL products or not and I'm not sure why, do you have any suggestions as to what I could use to get rid of this and to prevent this from happening? Thanks
Kay Exquisite

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