A heartfelt thank you to the beautiful Sisterlocks Queens whose presence at T's service helped to fortify and strengthen me: My consultant and dear friend, Gigi and husband; my first client, Monica who traveled all the way from Oklahoma; Creyole who dashed over from Dallas after learning of T's passing only two hours prior to her service; and my good friend M, who came out of her bat cave to support me (wink). What awesome friends.
During a very difficult day my friend and client, Monica shared this with me,
"Earlier I was reading your blog and the love that people are pouring out to you. One person said the “whole community” was lifting you up. Girl draw on that. There are people all over the world praying for you. Hold on to that."
And hold to your words of encouragement, I have...
My mother sends her thank you as well. She lost her baby and she is suffering. You will never know how much your support has ministered to our hearts.
Love, BlaqKofi, Momma and Gladys.
Hi BlaqKofi. I am so sorry to read the passing of your sister. You and your family are in my prayers and may you and your family find peace in God's ever loving arms.
I lost my Queen Mother on April 1st of this year. It was one of the most difficult times of my life. My family of 6 is now three; my eldest sister, my brother and me (the youngest). We lost our father in 2002 and my eldest brother in 2006. My two children and my 4 closest girlfriends are the ones responsible for getting me through. They have been my rock and I know that I can call on them at any day, anytime when I just can't seem to get a handle on life.
Love,Peace&Sunflowers to you and your family!
You're a beautiful family. Your mom is gorgeous. It brought tears to my eyes thinking of what she must be going through. Tell her, her baby is safe, in the arms of our Lord.
Even so, God is still good.
May you all hold on the good memories and the blessed hope.
Blessings from South Africa
Blessing, I jus happened to stumble upon ur site and am.very interested in getting sisterlocks!!! I had traditional locks many years ago but I now have ralaxed hair which is pass the middle of my back! I wld love to start sisterlocks but was wondering , will I have to cut my relaxed hair becuz of the length and where can I get them done I curently live in hartford ct!!! Thanks so much sincerly, jullyn!
Jullyn, I hope that you're able to get this response. Please email me at blaqkofi@blaqkofi.com and I'll answer all of your questions. The blog doesn't allow for an easy exchange.
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